The 13th Annual Wounded Warriors Winter Sports Weekend January 20-22, 2017
an weekend FOR OUR HONORED WARRIOR GUESTS AND THEIR FAMILIES built around finding new possibilities, setting new limits with lots of time for pure fun and relaxation.
We're pleased to announce we will be hosting our 13th annual Wounded Warriors Weekend on January 20-22, 2017. The entire Wintergreen community eagerly anticipates this event when the snow starts flying each winter.
As is the tradition of this always exciting weekend, Wintergreen Adaptive Sports provides at no cost to our honored guests, welcome bags, snacks, nourishing meals, all lift tickets and equipment, all housing accommodations, and ski or snowboard lessons for all spouses and children. Special children's activities are also included. WAS is especially grateful for the housing accommodations provided by over thirty Wintergreen resident families.
Following a full day of snow sports on Saturday, January 21, we'll convene that evening our annual Wounded Warriors banquet, for the warriors and their families, the WAS and Wintergreen Resort staff, including the many community volunteers who assist us on this weekend.
Without the generosity of and collaboration among these groups and individuals, it would be impossible to hold this special event.
We welcome both donations and helping hands. If you'd like to contribute to this year’s weekend of appreciation for the brave men and women, injured in the line of duty, or would like information on the event, please send us an email to
WAS defines a Wounded Warrior as a service member (veteran or active duty) who has a disability that either resulted from wounds, injury, or disease received in the line of duty as a direct result of armed conflict; or was caused by an instrumentality of war and was incurred in the line of duty.
For our Wounded Warrior weekend (and for our "Everyday is Warrior Day" program) all wounded warriors are welcome.
If there is limited space due to instructor availability, priority will be given to those injured after 2001 in overseas combat, those injured while directly engaged in armed conflict, and those who are attending their first event or are "never-ever" skiers and riders.
Wintergreen Adaptive Sports encourages our wounded warrior students to include their families in the Wounded Warrior Weekend. All spouses, partners, children, and caregivers will receive the same complementary accommodations as our wounded warrior students.
For additional information on our "Everyday is Warrior Day" program, go here, or contact us at